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frequency parameter中文是什么意思

用"frequency parameter"造句"frequency parameter"怎么读"frequency parameter" in a sentence


  • 倍频参数
  • 频率参数


  • The measurement instrument of alternating current with industrial - frequency parameter based on eda
  • In order to encode the parameters of sinusoidal model , the vector quantization techniques for amplitude parameters and the differential quantization for frequency parameters are proposed and discussed . at the same time , the frequency bin model , the random phase model and the zero phase model are also discussed
  • This paper studies the characteristic of scatter from moving target in the situation of bistatic sar with stationary transmitter . the wvd method is used in the paper to estimate the doppler frequency parameter of the moving targets ; the wvd - radon method is used to restrain the cross - term . then we can use the result to adjust the parameter of the filter , and to achieve the moving targets imaging of bistatic sar
    本文分析了发射机固定的双站sar情况下的运动目标回波信号模型,应用wvd变换对发射机固定的双站sar回波的多普勒信号参数进行估计,并采用wvd - radon变换来抑制wvd的交叉项,以调整滤波器参数,实现发射机固定的双站sar对运动目标聚焦成像。
  • According to practical test on high - frequency channels of electric lines in different - altitude areas , the thesis discusses and analyses influence on high - frequency channels of electric lines in high - altitude areas , test methods of high - frequency parameters of high - frequency channels of electric lines , theoretical - calculation methods of high - frequency parameters of high - frequency channels of electric lines and required primary factors of parameter design of high - frequency channels of electric lines , theoretically and practically
用"frequency parameter"造句  
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